About Badgerface Beauty Supply.

Why Badgerface?
I set out to start a natural skincare company and I realized pretty dang quick that everyone was trying to do the same thing. I saw a lot of mystical herbal shit marketed by mystical white herbal women.
So I decided to do the opposite, building a beauty brand that embodied giving fewer fucks about what other people think, and I wanted to call it something memorable.
And I thought, well, a badger face is the face you make when you’re being disrespected - by haters, by the megacorporate skincare industry who wants to sell you FLAW CREAM, and most of all, by the patriarchy. It fit like a motherfucking glove.
Thus Badgerface Beauty Supply was born.
< peep the righteous badgerface rocked by our owner, kristina strain.
Gallery of Things that Deserve Fewer Fucks:
Beauty standards.
Anything that wants to correct, conceal, or otherwise mine your insecurities. See: aforementioned FLAW CREAM.
Put it. The fuck. Down.
The Patriarchy.
My worth isn't tied to my fuckability. Neither is yours.
My son should be able to cry.
So should my 74-year-old dad.
What they think of you.
The jealous haters, the tradwives, the unknowable Gen Z kids. The MIL who doesn't get you. (Bless her.)
Embrace your weird. We do.

Our Mission.
Listen, it's not that NOTHING deserves your fucks. Some things totally do! Racism, sexism, homophobia. Climate change. Your people.
But the distinction is critical: know what deserves your fucks.
Claim your people. Show up for your causes. Put everything else the fuck down.
We'll be here with the self care you need when you're ready to recharge.
< production manager katie ard has a well-defined sense of what deserves her fucks.

Our Values.
Body positive
We’re into you. Your style, your anti-style. Your un-fucked-with hair, your pink bouffant. Whatever you’re rocking, we like it. Lots of beauty companies are in the insecurities-mining business, but we’re SO not about all that. You do you. It’s working.
Listen, skin care doesn’t need to cost a car payment, ok? It just doesn’t. There are no ingredients so magical and precious that they warrant two zeroes. Self care isn’t a privilege. It’s meant to be shared with your bestie, spontaneous-like, just because you thought of her. We help make that happen.
All good shit
None of that bad fake shit. Who needs it? Preservatives, fake colors, stabilizers, artificial fragrances. Everything we use is a raw material: coconut oil, beeswax, milk powder, citric acid, argan oil. The fucking building blocks of healthy skin. Why would anyone want anything other?
Meet the Badgerbitches
Kristina, Founder
Bourbon, twinkle lights and murder ballads. Key phrase: percolating.
Patrick, Fulfillment
Man of few words, and fewer complaints. Will fight you for control of the shop stereo.
Katie, Production
Loves all things rainbow, baking sweet things and playing video games.

Bitchberry Whipped Body Butter.

Customer tested, Badger approved. Try us on for size with one of...