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Pumice Hand Scrub for Gardeners.

Pumice Hand Scrub for Gardeners.

Regular price $14.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.99 USD
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989 in stock

Size: Approximately 2 1/2 inches tall by 2 inches wide, and 4 ounces by volume.

Smells like: Fresh summer cherries with a hint of lime and vanilla.

Ingredients: Aloe butter, sodium bicarbonate, pumice powder, sunflower oil, sea salt, kaolin clay, cherry extract, lime essential oil, vanilla extract.

Scrub Away the Judgment.

Are your strong, capable, gettin'-shit-DONE woman hands constantly facing scrutiny? Those hands that handle power tools with ease but are frowned upon when near a curling iron? Well, we say, what's the big deal? You do things, you create things, you nurture things. You're a liberated badass, and your hands are made for serious WORK.

But here's the thing – they don't have to suffer for it. There's no need for them to end up all cracked and crusty, or for you to be stuck with dirty under-nails and permadirt. Respect, my friend. Give your hands the pampering they deserve with our incredible Grown Ass Woman Hand Scrub. It's about to revolutionize the way you care for those hardworking hands.

Hand Care Done Right.

When we say "Grown Ass Woman Hand Scrub," we mean it. Our product is 100% pure-ass natural, so you can scrub away with confidence. No artificial nonsense or preservatives here. Just honest-to-goodness goodness that your hands will appreciate.
So, go ahead, pretty up your capable GROWN ASS WOMAN hands. They work hard, and they deserve a little TLC. Let our hand scrub show your hands the respect they deserve. Trust us, they'll thank you for it.

Pretty up your capable GROWN ASS WOMAN hands. You know they need it.

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